1 Walk 4 Research= Blessings

English: Picture I made for my goals article
English: Picture I made for my goals article (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When I first began this blog, I wanted others to know that I noticed there was a need for change in my walk with my family, faith and food.  It was once a simple blog to spread the word about my cause and to let others know that they are not alone if they too have a family member with Alzheimer’s or dementia.  However, this blog has been a huge inspiration for others especially since the timing of the blog and its fit around the blog challenge as well.  You could say that it is true, “Time fly’s when you’re having fun.” But I find that time fly’s when you are not thinking about self and giving to others too!

When  I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned  around. –Willie  Nelson  (1)

As with my countdown to the walk, you get closer to counting down your goal, and it becomes a blessing.  That is why the quote really makes so much sense.  A countdown can be a good thing,  We have to remember that all things must come to an end.  However, when one door shuts, another opens and that is what this blog must do too.  The cause must soon change course to meet the needs of my readers.  As a countdown comes closer for you as well, what is most important is counting what you have learned, and how you will take those golden nuggets and truly use them for the richness that they are.

So, the blessings are what you have learned and how it will edify (enlighten: to improve the morals or knowledge of somebody) the you within, consider this verse:

“Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.”- Romans 14:19 KJV


The Walk to End Alzheimer’s provides so many ways to participate even if you can not walk.  You may give a donation, walk virtually or you can show support though many other avenues.  This was one thing that was very attractive to participating in this walk (1 miler or a 3 miler).  Consider the choices that this organization does to help people participate in the cause and ask yourself these questions:

(1)  Are you limiting yourself in who you want to accomplish your goal?

(2) Have you provided other alternative choices should you not want to participate in your cause one specific way? and

(3) Are you having tunnel vision toward your cause?

Share your comments with us about how you are growing and using choices to achieve your goals.


© 2013 Jewel Williams


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

“Motivational Walker, Jewel Williams is your everyday wife, mom and daughter motivating men and women to Walk for a Cause-”Learning about Self, Helping Others”. Get more information about the cause and how you can join in the walk by visiting, http://walkingforacause.com.”


Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/counting.html#SXyBDYthYhAeI4EP.99

Published by JewelWilliams

Jewel Williams is an educator and author who has earned a B. S. in Education and a M.Ed. in Education Leadership. In her studies she has recently earned a certificate in Lifestyle and Weight Management (NESTA). Her love of reading and writing has developed over the years and it has given her the courage to speak about something dear, "Learning about self, and Giving to others". She has created the Walking for a Cause due to her family learning and living with a loved one, her father, with Dementia. Her vision is to encourage others to walk for their cause in their life and to pursue it with 100% faith. Though she cares for her family members, she realizes that caring for self is a must and wants everyone's first cause to be self and then, the time and energy can be used well for others.

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